Friday 21 January 2011

Expressing Interest

Welcome back to Adventures with Autism Works,

This has been another busy week as the Autism Works Adventure continues. We currently have three funding bids in progress, we have received some expressions of  interest and we are moving offices. Elsewhere, I have also been involved in making a video about my role as Operations Manager at Autism Works.

Making the video, with the help of Howard Kennedy from Tasker House, one of the ESPA colleges, was an interesting and enjoyable experience, using state-of-the art equipment including a pop shield. The quality of the recording when using the pop shields which reduces breathing noises that microphones occasionally pick up is noticeable. After having done so many radio interviews in the recent past, one would think that I would be used to listening to myself speak, but I can't say I have ever heard myself like on the Autism Works video. You can view below:

In some ways, microphones can give those not on the autistic spectrum an idea of the sensory issues that people on the autistic spectrum may experience. Microphones respond to so many sounds around them which  we don't often notice, until they are picked up on recording, which can provide a 'buzztrack' in the background, which we can find irritating or even uncomfortable. It can take much effort for people on the autistic spectrum to develop their own 'personal pop shield' to filter them out.

After making our Expression of Interest form public last week, we are slowly starting to obtain some responses from those possibly interested in working with us. We have to be clear that the Expression of Interest is not an application for employment, but we can alert those who have completed and submitted an Expression of Interest as to when vacancies arise. If you are reading this blog and you know of anyone with ASC or Asperger's Syndrome whom you think may be interested, please let them know. The link to our Expression of Interest form is

Next week sees us move into our new offices in Grey Street. Since I went up to visit, the offices have been given a lick of paint and some new office furniture. For me, the next move is to sort out a Metro Travel pass. Hopefully, travelling into work via public transport will be a welcome change, allowing me to feel more refreshed when I get into work, allowing me to be more productive, especially with the applying for funding aspect of my role, as some of the funding application forms are quite complicated!

Coping with change can be awkward for people with Asperger's Syndrome, but this move is one that I feel that I can prepare for. Once I adjust to the move, hopefully progress at Autism Works will continue. In the meantime, be sure to keep following this blog for more news.

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